22 °F

About This Weather Station

McKownville Weather Station
Weather Station Hardware: Davis Vantage Vue
Signal Quality: 88%
WeeWX Version: 4.10.2
WeeWX Uptime: 64917 seconds
RPi Server Uptime: 8164457 seconds
Belchertown Skin Version: 1.1

This page is very much a work in progress, we will add more content here soon.

For more information about McKownville, visit the McKownville Improvement Association's website.

This website is automagically updated in real-time (about every 2.5 seconds) with weather observations from a Davis Vantage Vue weather station located in the hamlet of McKownville, Town of Guilderland, in Albany County. Weather data is received by the Davis console and using a serial port logger and USB converter to a RaspberryPi model 3B+ server running the WeeWx weather parsing software. WeeWx then generates webpages and realtime weather condition updates to a web server located in Manhattan.

This weather station records the following weather variables:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Rainfall
  • Barometric Pressure

The rest of the observations are done throughsoftware calculations and quality control checks to make sure the data is valid and accurate.

Our weather observations are also shared withthe following websites abnd weahter services:

Software used: